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Books - Angela Russ-Ayon IMG_6

Discounted bulk orders

All music and book titles are available in bulk for early childhood and nutrition programs, conferences, non-profit initiatives, licensing, or grants that promote healthy eating, fruits and vegetables, gardening, farm-to-table, STEM initiatives, and anti-obesity. Contact the publisher directly for discounted pricing, quotes, and orders. Allow for at least 2-3 weeks to process orders and ship. We accept purchase orders.

Fruits and Veggies Row by Row 8 x 10 (Cover Front) Ingram CMYK 10-31-23 - ENGLISH (Step 1)

"Broccoli buds are green and lumpy.

Their florets feel rough and bumpy."

Fruits & Veggies row by Row: Children Explain How Plants Grow in Their Garden (Multicultural)

Diverse young characters work together to grow fruits and vegetables in the garden from seed to sprout to harvest. This is a rich STEM experience that introduces children to the beneficial process of working the land and reaping the rewards. Filled with teachable moments, simple gardening terminology, and opportunities to mimic and move. An enjoyable way to give youngsters control over their diets and promote healthy eating.

Available in English and Spanish/English editions.


Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days after ordered.


$12.95 Paperback



FVRxR (E) Paperback


ISBN: 978-1-958627-05-1 INGRAM

Format: Full Color Picture Book

8" x 10"

Age: 3 up


SPANISH - Fruits & Veggies Row by Row - (Cover).jpg

"Los capullos de brócoli son verdes y desiguales.

Sus flósculos se sienten ásperos y grumosos."

Frutas y Vegetales Fila por Fila: Los Niños Explican Cómo Crecen las Plantas en su Jardín (Multicultural)

Un grupo de niños diversos  comparten su experiencia cultivando frutas y verduras en el jardín, desde la semilla hasta la germinación y la cosecha. Ellos limpian el terreno, siembran semillas y llevan a los lectores en un recorrido por cosechas abundantes mientras explican cómo crecen diferentes plantas. Esta historia es una exploración educativa fascinante  de la vida de las plantas que celebra el trabajo en equipo, la cooperación y las inagotables posibilidades que florecen en un jardín nutrido por el entusiasmo juvenil. 

Text is in Spanish and English

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days after ordered.


$12.95 Paperback



FVRxR (S)  Paperback


ISBN: 978-1958627-06-8 INGRAM


Format: Full Color Picture Book

8" x 10"

Age: 3 up


BOOK - I Spy Vegetables ENGLISH (Cover and Back) 10-29-23.jpg

"I spy vegetables that are heavy."


I Spy Vegetables: A Seek and Find Early Science and Math Experience

Colorful photographs of vegetables abound in this simple introduction to nature’s bounty. Young children can learn to identify vegetables and become acquainted with basic STEM terminology that can be expanded upon or interpreted in different ways. This book is written with minimal text and offers opportunities for observation and discovery, open-ended inquiry, and teachable moments from the garden to the kitchen. I

Available in English and Spanish/English editions.

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days after ordered.


$12.99 Paperback



ISPYV (E)  Paperback


Format: Full color photographs

8.5" x 8.5"

Age: 3 and up


BOOK - I Spy Fruit ENGLISH (Cover) 10-7-2023.jpg

"I spy fruit that is floating on top."


I Spy Fruit: A Seek and Find Early Science and Math Experience

Colorful photographs of delicious fruits make this an exploratory experience. Young children can learn to identify fruits and become acquainted with basic STEM terminology and concepts. This book is written with minimal text and offers opportunities for observation, scientific discoveries, experimentation, open-ended inquiry, and teachable moments from the garden to the kitchen.


Available in English and Spanish/English editions.

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered.



$12.99 Paperback



ISPYF (E)  Paperback


Format: Full color photographs

8.5" x 8.5"

Age: 3 and up


How to Self-Publish a Picture Book_Cover_AbridgeClub.com_Angela Russ-Ayon.jpg

"What's stopping you from publishing your book?"

How to Self-Publish a Children's Picture Book on Amazon KDP

Did you know you can publish your book on Amazon KDP in as fast as a week for no money down? Whether you are just starting to write a book or you’ve finished one and have no idea where to turn, this book will help you get your book launched into the market. It is for writers who want to self-publish a children’s paperback picture book, especially aspiring young writers, and includes quick tips and essential information on publishing topics that are easy to read and understand.

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered.


$14.99 Paperback



SPCP  Paperback


Black & white interior pages

8" x 10"

Age: 8  to adult


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Early Math

Find The Shape, Then Get Moving!

Turn the pages, and you will see how fun colors and shapes can be. Find what you seek, and when you are through, you will discover just what to do. SHAKE and SPIN, JUMP, and BEND, then RUN to share this with a friend.


This interactive informational concept book combines physical activity, simple science, and early math by showing us a unique way to celebrate the wonder of colors, shapes, and our bodies in motion. Imagination is required!


Available in Spanish/English and French/English editions.

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered


$12.95 Paperback



WYFCS (E)  Paperback English

Format: Picture book

Full color interior

8.5" x 8.5"

Age: 3 up


Making Faces Cover - Copy.jpg

Make Faces and Interact!

A Children's Picture Book About Feelings, Emotions, and Self-Expression

Young children cannot help but be amused by these dramatic characters made of parts and pieces of fruits and vegetables designed to help little ones explore feelings and emotions. Watch as the children respond to silly interjections, animated expressions, and quick rhymes that result from the character’s discoveries and reactions to everyday experiences. Capture a young child's interest with dramatic expressions, exaggerated voices, novel experiences, and an invitation to participate. It’s a healthy recipe for self-expression, encouraging young children to interact, look for cues, explore their feelings, and mimic faces.

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered, unless ordered via Amazon Prime

Also available in an E-book edition: 978-1958627-81-5 Ingram


$11.95 Paperback



FVMF  Paperback (E)

ISBN 978-1958627-80-8 Ingram

Format: Full color interior

Picture book

8" x 10" Portrait

Age: 3 up


Come in! Wash up! Let's Dine Together! (Multicultural)


Let’s go to the table, and all take a seat for a wonderful review of what to do and what not to do while dining. Join this diverse group of young children as they explain table manners from their point-of-view while enjoying each other’s company. Lyrical rhyming verses work seamlessly with vivid watercolor images and creative borders that also encourage healthy choices. 

Available in English and Spanish/English editions.

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered, unless ordered via Amazon Prime



$12.99 Paperback


WLTC Paperback (E)

ISBN: 978-1958627-86-0 Ingram

Format: Picture Book with companion song, audio, and instrumental sold separately

Age: 4 up

32 Colorfully Illustrated Pages

Audio Running Time: 12 min. 31 sec.


We Love the Company - Table Manners - Cover - Spanish_AbridgeClub.com_Angela Russ-Ayon.jpg

Come in! Wash up! Let's Dine Together! (Multicultural)


Vayamos a la mesa y tomemos asiento para hacer una revisión maravillosa de qué hacer y qué no hacer mientras cenamos. Únete a este grupo diverso de niños que explicarán los modales en la mesa desde su punto de vista mientras disfrutan de la compañía.


Este libro multicultural es una excelente herramienta de enseñanza para educadores, padres, y cuidadores para promover la importancia de usar buenos modales en la mesa, la mayoría de los cuales pueden transferirse dentro o fuera del hogar y al salón de clases. No nos acercamos a las personas para obtener lo que necesitamos sin importar lo que estemos haciendo. Decimos por favor y gracias. No acaparamos todas las fresas, al igual que no acaparamos todos los crayones. Y ofrecemos limpiar cuando terminemos con una actividad.

Text is in Spanish and English


Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered.



$12.99 Paperback


WLTC Paperback (S)

Format: Picture Book

Age: 4 up

32 Colorfully Illustrated Pages

Audio Running Time: 12 min. 31 sec.


Jisel's Gifts - AbridgeClub 8 x 10 Cover.jpg

An Inspiring True Story of Empathy, Kindness, and Giving Back to the Community (Multicultural)

2024 NAPPA AWARD Winner!


Follow a thoughtful little girl named Jisel in this heartfelt true story as she discovers there are children less fortunate than she is and embarks on a mission to do something about it. She even convinces her friends and peers to participate in donating new toys or stuffing stockings. A touching tale that demonstrates the beauty of kindness, and the incredible impact small acts can have in a community. Young readers can't help but learn, grow, and be inspired to do the same, ignited by the spirit of generosity. 

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered.



$11.99 Paperback


Premium - Matte Finish Interior Paper

ISBN: 978-1958627-10-5

$12.99 Paperback


Ultra Premium - Glossy Interior Paper

ISBN: 978-1-958627-08-2

Format: Picture book

Age: 4 up

32 Colorfully Illustrated Pages

A Picture Book About Tasting New Foods



A whimsical chef introduces a diverse group of young children to fun food experiences that stir up their interest in fruits and vegetables. Join them as they pick from the garden, prepare in the kitchen, relax by the shore, and discover all of the different ways to eat healthy food. The chef wants the children to try something new, and they just might, before he’s through.  A downloadable version of the song and reading is also available for purchase. 

Available in English and Spanish/English editions.


Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days after ordered.


$12.99 Paperback

$17.99 Hardback

(available in limited quantities)


WEFF-E  Paperback

ISBN: 978-1958627-09-9 Ingram

8.5" x 8.5" Paperback

Picture book with companion song, audio, and instrumental sold separately.


Full color interior

This book is no longer available from Our Rainbow:  ISBN: 978-1-934214-09-1

$17.99 WEFF-E  Hardback
ISBN: 978-1-934214060

(Limited Quantites)


Try Something New, Kids!


Un chef fantástico presenta a los niños pequeños experiencias divertidas con la comida que estimulan su interés en las frutas y los vegetales. Únete a ellos mientras cosechan en el huerto, preparan platos en la cocina y se relajan un rato en la playa. El chef quiere que los niños prueben algo nuevo, y puede que lo hagan, antes de que él termine.

Text is in Spanish and English

Printed on demand - Ships 2-3 weeks after order

The book has an optional downloadable companion song, spoken word, and instrumental version - Spanish and English


Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days after ordered.




$12.99 Paperback

Spanish / English Edition


WEFF-S Paperback only

ISBN: 978-0998709-06-2 Ingram

Spanish | English

Full color interior


8.5" x 8.5"  version


For Early Childhood and Beyond!


Whether a line is drawn or a maze designed, young children discover their capabilities and the joy of creative expression through chalk activities. Turn fun-filled outdoor play into body-building and brain-connecting experiences. Enhance problem-solving, language, math, and literacy skills. Included within are a compilation of over 180 constructive ideas and alternative activities with step-by-step instructions, helpful diagrams, proposed open-ended questions, journal pages to record ideas, and in some cases, fun facts.

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days days after ordered




Black & White



$16.99  CIU Activities
Black & White Interior - Paperback

BOOK - I Spy Fruit SPANISH (Cover and Back) INGRAM 7-5-2023 (Step 1) - Copy.tif

"Espío un patrón de frutas."


Espío con Mis Ojitos: Fruta, una Experiencia Temprana de STEM - Fotografías coloridas de frutas deliciosas hacen de esta una experiencia exploratoria. Los niños pequeños pueden aprender a identificar frutas y familiarizarse con la terminología y conceptos básicos de STEM, y luego ampliar o interpretar los términos de diferentes maneras. Este libro está escrito con un texto mínimo y ofrece oportunidades para la observación, el descubrimiento científico, la experimentación y otros momentos de enseñanza en el jardín y la cocina.

Este libro de conceptos es un gran adición a cualquier tema de frutas, jardinería, cosecha, nutrición, grupo de alimentos o ciencias de la vida para padres de niños pequeños o educadores de niños preescolares y de primera infancia. En este libro ilustrado con 36 páginas se incluyen datos sobre frutas, un guía para el lector y sugerencias para una investigación abierta.  

Text is in Spanish and English

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days after ordered



$12.99 Paperback

Spanish / English Edition


ISPYF-S  Paperback

ISBN: 978-1958627-93-8 Ingram


Format: Full color photographs

8.5" x 8.5"

Age: 3 and up


BOOK - I Spy Vegetables SPANISH (Cover and Back) 10-29-23_edited.jpg

"Espío vegetales cortados en rebanadas redondas."


Espío con Mis Ojitos: Vegetales, una Experiencia Temprana de STEM

Fotografías coloridas de vegetales abundan en esta sencilla introducción al cultivo de la naturaleza. Los niños pequeños pueden aprender a identificar vegetales, y familiarizarse con la terminología básica de STEM que se puede ampliar o interpretar de diferentes maneras. Este libro está escrito con un texto mínimo y ofrece oportunidades de observación y descubrimiento, investigación abierta, y momentos de enseñanza desde el jardín hasta la cocina.

Es una gran adición a cualquier tema de vegetales, jardinería, cosecha, nutrición o ciencias de la vida para educadores preescolares y de educación temprana. Una forma efectiva de entusiasmar a los niños sobre una alimentación saludable a medida que identifican, aprenden y diferencian entre una variedad de vegetales y sus características. En este libro ilustrado de 36 páginas vienen incluidos datos de vegetales y un guía para el lector.

Text is in Spanish and English

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 10-16 days after ordered



$12.99 Paperback

Spanish / English Edition


ISPYV-S  38-Page Paperback


Format: Full color photographs

8.5" x 8.5"

Age: 3 and up


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¡Encuentra la forma y muévete!

Dale vuelta a las páginas y verás que divertidos son los colores y las formas. Cuando encuentres lo que buscas, el cuento te dira qué hacer. SACÚDETE y SALTA, MARCHA y  GIRA, luego CORRE para compartir este libro con un amigo.


Este libro de concepto interactivo combina la actividad física, la ciencia fácil, y la matemática principiante al mostrar una manera única de celebrar la maravilla de los colores, las formas, y nuestros cuerpos en movimiento. Se requiere la imaginación.

Text is in Spanish and English


Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered


$12.95 Paperback

Spanish / English Edition


WYFCS-S  Paperback  

Spanish | English version

Full color interior 


CreateSpace 8.5 x 8.5 Cover.Spine_edited.jpg

Retrouvez les Couleurs!


Tournez les pages, et vous allez voir comment les couleurs et les formes peuvent être amusantes. Trouvez ce que vous cherchez, et quand vous êtes à travers, on vous dira quoi faire. Secouez et tournez autour, sautez et pliez, puis courrez vite pour partager ce livre avec un ami.


Ce livre interactif combine des activités physiques, la science simple, et de maths au début, en nous montrant une façon unique pour célébrer la merveille de couleurs, de formes, et nos corps en mouvement. Votre imagination est nécessaire!


Text is in French and English

Printed on demand - Usually ships approx. 8-16 days after ordered


$12.95 Paperback

French / English Edition


WYFCS-F  Paperback

French | English version

Full color interior 


Open-Ended Questions - Cover & Back 10-31-23 Ingram RGB (Step 1)_edited.jpg

Intentionally Supporting Young Children in Learning

Preschool thru 2nd Grade


The BIG Book is filled with lists, lists, and more lists of subject-specific open-ended questions to support quality parent-child or teacher-child interactions at home and in typical early childhood settings. Think of open-ended questions as exploratory prompts, learning opportunities, thought-provokers, and conversation starters. This type of inquiry requires a response with more than one-word answers that typically close the door to any discussion. Learn how to transform “What color is this? — Blue” into a conversation that matters


$18.99 Paperback

$8.99 Digital Download


WYFCS-F  Paperback

ISBN: 978-1958627-07-5 Ingram

French | English version

Full color interior 



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