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Espío Vegetales
BOOK - I Spy Vegetables SPANISH (Cover and Back) 10-29-23_edited.jpg - Angela Russ-Ayon -IMG_

Author: Angela Russ-Ayon

Illustration: still color photography


Espío Vegetales:

una Experiencia de Buscar y Encontrar en las Ciencias y las Matemáticas Tempranas


Fotografías coloridas de vegetales abundan en esta sencilla introducción al cultivo de la naturaleza. Los niños pequeños pueden aprender a identificar vegetales, y familiarizarse con la terminología básica de STEM que se puede ampliar o interpretar de diferentes maneras. Este libro está escrito con un texto mínimo y ofrece oportunidades de observación y descubrimiento, investigación abierta, y momentos de enseñanza desde el jardín hasta la cocina.


Este libro de conceptos es un gran adición a cualquier tema de vegetales, jardinería, cosecha, nutrición o ciencias de la vida para educadores preescolares y de educación temprana. Una forma efectiva de entusiasmar a los niños sobre una alimentación saludable a medida que identifican, aprenden y diferencian entre una variedad de vegetales y sus características. En este libro ilustrado de 38 páginas vienen incluidos datos de vegetales y un guía para el lector.


Colorful photographs of vegetables abound in this simple introduction to nature’s bounty. Young children can learn to identify vegetables and become acquainted with basic STEM terminology that can be expanded upon or interpreted in different ways.




Related terms & phrases: 


Child nutrition, CACFP, National CACFP, National CACFP, My Plate,, eating healthy food, tasting new foods, eating fruits and vegetables, preparing foods in different ways,  STEM connections, making healthy choices, nutrition month (March)​, nutritious food, balanced diet, variety of foods, healthy eating, food pyramid, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Health and Human Services, SNAP-ED Program, nutrition education, nutrition material, Spanish picture books about nutrition, material de educación nutricional en español.

Preschool picture book about eating healthy food, picture book about tasting new foods, picture book about eating fruits and vegetables, picturebook about preparing foods in different ways, picturebook with STEM kitchen tools, making healthy choices, nutrition month (March), nutritious food, balanced diet, picturebook about a variety of foods, healthy eating, food pyramid.

An effective way to get children excited about healthy eating as they identify, learn about, and differentiate between a variety of vegetables and their characteristics. Included in this 36-page picture book are one-page facts about vegetables and a one-page reader’s guide.

There are two one-page summaries in the back of the book, "About Vegetables," and "Reading Tips."

Find easy ways to connect what you are reading to a theme, curriculum, activity,
experiment, and any other aspects of a child’s life. It's as simple as using a colander to wash vegetables - or using simple machines, such as a peeler or shredder. 

$12.99 Paperback

Spanish & English

ISPYV-S   Paperback

Spanish / English

ISBN: 978-1958627-93-8

Format: Full Color Picture Book

8.5" x 8.5"

Age: 3 and up


Ideas for simple STEM connections and extensions.

Each time you read the book, make new discoveries together, beyond what is stated on each page. Focus on one concept at a time. What do you notice? Look at positions, shapes, colors, textures, sizes, fruit mixed in with the vegetables, and characteristics of vegetables.  How do the vegetables differ? How are they the same?


Use open-ended inquiry to nurture a child’s innate curiosity while navigating through the pages.

Reading tips are provided at the end of the book.

Also available in English ---

I Spy with My Little Eye: Vegetables

an Early STEM Experience



BOOK - I Spy Vegetables ENGLISH (Cover and Back) 10-29-23.jpg

Print our shopping list children  paste on, stick on, scribble on, or write on.

                                 - or -

Print our shopping list filled with colorful images of fruits and veggies that little ones can circle.

Bulk Orders: This title is available in bulk for early childhood and nutrition programs, conferences, non-profit initiatives, licensing, or grants that promote healthy eating, fruits and vegetables, gardening, farm to table, STEM initiatives, and anti-obesity. Contact the publisher ( | Russ InVision Co.) directly for quotes, orders, and discounted pricing.

This book is written with minimal text and offers opportunities for observation and discovery, open-ended inquiry, and teachable moments in the garden and the kitchen. It’s a great addition to any vegetable, gardening, harvest, nutrition, food group, or life science theme for parents of young children or preschool and early childhood educators.


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